VMC Newsletter:September 2023


*Vinton Methodist Men*

VMM next meeting will be Sept 11th, @ 6pm in the Fellowship Hall. All men are welcome to come fellowship with the men of our Church family.

*VMM Blessing Box*

We are still taking nonperishable food donations and Hygiene products.

*Sleep in Heavenly Peace*

Sat Oct 7th, 8am will be our next build a bed. At 114 East Thomas St. in Sulphur to build beds for children in need. All Volunteers are Welcome. Bahnsen Building will be used to store beds for children in the Vinton/Starks area. If you know if a child in need, talk to Mike or Gena Granger.

*Vinton Methodist Women Prayer Group*

Salad Luncheon: VMW now selling salad Luncheon tickets 5 salads for $12, Tuna, Chicken, Pasta, Corn Bread, and Fruit Salad. Wednesday Sept 20th., $12 ticket, Pickup 10:30-12:30pm. If any ladies would like to volunteer signup sheet is in the Foyer.







*Led Sign $18425.00 of $28,991.00 needed

*Prayer Cloth has a balance of $50.00

*Blessing box has a balance of $227.35.

*Follow us on Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/welshmemorialumc Invite Freinds and Family to like our page, Vinton Methodist Church.

08/14/2023 Council Meeting:

*Board Members*

*Kenny Stinson, Pud O’Quinn, Missy McClelland, Matt Burke, Mary Lou Ballard. Congratulations to Newly elected Linda Pickett and Mike Granger. Board Vacancy will be available in December

*Church By-Laws and Articles of Incorporation are available to any Member.

*VMC will have a committee to adopt our version of Book of Discipline/ Doctrine of the Church.

*Lay Leader Position is available to any member, Duties will include Communion, Fill the Pulpit, Pastors right hand and many other duties. *

*Community Thanksgiving*

Rick and Theresa are hosting Community Thanksgiving and they are need of many       Volunteers, Food Dishes or Monetary Donations. KC Hall donates Turkeys and VMM will cook if need to. Local Churches will be asked to help also. Any help is greatly appreciated.


*Asking for Volunteers for Childrens Moment, If interested talk to Elizabeth. *

VMW Next Meeting:

Thursday Sept 7th& 21st

VMW Prayer Group 10am,

VMW Meeting @11am.


Vinton Methodist Church

News Letter

September 2023

Pastor Rick Watson

Interim Pastor Bro. Rob Tibbits


Youth/Adult/Children Sunday School 10am

Sunday Worship Service 11am

Wednesday Family Fun Night 6pm



Sunday Worship Service

Welcome to join us every Sunday as Brother Rob Tibbitts brings his message on the book of Galatians.


Romans 6:23

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in[a] Christ Jesus our Lord.



To Our Church Family

We wanted to take a moment to express our gratitude for your presence and support during this time. Your prayers, love and support is greatly appreciated. Thank you to Bro. Rob for bringing the message while Pastor Rick is healing.



September Calendar

Sept 3rd

Linda Pickett-Worship Leader,

Candis McCaughey-Childrens Moment

Bro. Rob Tibbitts Galatians 3:19-29 “One Penalty: One Payment

Sept 10th

Mike Granger-Worship Leader,

Cheyrl Douga Childrens Moment

Bro. Rob Tibbitts– Galatians 4:17 “One Perfect Plan: One Gracious Father

Sept 17th

Matt Burke– Worship Leader,

Theresa Watson-Childrens Moment

Bro. Rob Tibbitts– “Galatians 4:8-20– “One Real Freedom

Sept 24th

Linda Granger-Worship Leader,

Tara lavergneChildrens Moment

Bro Rob Tibbitts- Galatians 4:21-31

“One Mistake: Long Lasting Consquences



Join Ms Chryel Douga for Children’s
